対抗戦を終えて・青獅子の学級 The Mock Battle (Blue Lions)
Reception Hall
ディミトリ: ……先生!ここにいたのか。捜したんだぞ。
Dimitri: Professor! I've been looking for you.
I was hoping we could all share a meal together. It could serve as both a victory celebration and a post-battle analysis. What do you think?
Choice 1: 祝勝会? A victory celebration?
ディミトリ: ああ。ほら、あれだけ戦ったんだし、腹も減るだろ?
Dimitri: Of course. After all, we fought hard out there. Such exertion is bound to make anyone hungry for respite, don't you agree?
Choice 2: 自分も? I'm invited?
ディミトリ: 当たり前だろ。今更、何を言ってるんだ。
Dimitri: Of course. Why wouldn't you be?
シルヴァン: ほら先生、早く来てくださいよ。今日の殊勲者がいなきゃ、始まりませんって。
Sylvain: Come now, Professor! We can't very well celebrate without the key to our victory present.
アネット: そうですよ! 私たちが勝てたのは、先生のおかげじゃないですかっ。
Annette: He's right! He really is! We were only able to win because we had your help, Professor!
フェリクス: ……そこの、正攻法しか知らん猪よりは、幾分かまともな用兵だった。
Felix: Yes. Compared with that boar who knows nothing save frontal attacks, your tactics were nearly decent.
イングリット: フェリクス。あなたは本当に、隙あらば殿下に因縁をつけて……。
Ingrid: Felix! You really ought to stop picking fights with His Highness.
ディミトリ: いや、いいんだ、イングリット。事実、先生の采配は見事だった。
Dimitri: Don't worry, Ingrid. I encourage all to speak freely. And I must agree that the professor's tactics were truly extraordinary. I have much to learn.
メルセデス: ……それにしても今日は疲れちゃったわね。私、お腹が減ってもう駄目かも……。
Mercedes: Oh, sure, but today was exhausting. I'm so hungry I can barely stand...
アッシュ: あはは……実は、僕もです。そろそろ食堂に行きましょうか。
Ashe: To be honest, so am I. Let's head to the dining hall. Together.
ディミトリ: ……なあ、先生。あまり、嬉しくはなさそうだな。
Dimitri: Professor. I'm sorry to intrude, but...you don't look too happy for someone who just won.
Choice 1: そんなことはないが…… You're mistaken.
ディミトリ: そう言う割には、眉一つ動かさないから。
Dimitri: You say that, but your eyes tell a different story.
Choice 2: よくわからない…… Is that so...
ディミトリ: ……まあ、無理もないか。
Dimitri: Hm. Well, I understand how difficult it can be to accept joy sometimes. I'm sorry for prying.
ディミトリ: 先生。俺たちはまだ出会ったばかりだし、難しいのかもしれないが……
Dimitri: I know we only just met, So this may be difficult for you, but...
I'd love nothing more than to share our happiness with you. Joy can be so fleeting, after all. We're all in this together...so I hope you will consent.
I'm sure the rest of the class feels the very same. Well...come along, Professor. Let's enjoy the fruits of our labor!